I Am Dolphin - Kinect Prototype

Published October 09, 2014
I'd hoped to write up a nice post for this, but unfortunately I haven't had much time lately. Releasing a game, it turns out, is not at all relaxing. Work doesn't end when you hit that submit button to Apple.

In the meantime, I happened to put together a video showing a prototype of the game, running off Kinect control. I thought you all might find it interesting, as it's a somewhat different control than the touch screen. Personally I think it's the best version of the experience we've made, and we've had several (touch screen, mouse, PS Move, Leap, etc). Unlike the touch screen version, you get full 3D directional control. We don't have to infer your motion intention. This makes a big difference in the feeling of total immersion.

5 likes 1 comments


Looks good, the dolphin looks and moves pretty great, but the water surface seemed to look weird/unnatural when the dolphin jumped out, but that might also be because you were recording it externally.
October 12, 2014 02:21 AM
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