I've uploaded the Ball Demo to the site so people can have a look at it. I'd appreciate any feedback (please post the feedback to the forums, thank you).
Please note the following before running it:
- It'll probably crash. It's in development after all.
- You NEED Windows Vista Service Pack 2, or Windows 7 (Windows 8 -might- work, but don't count on it).
- It will run on Direct 3D 9 capable video devices. However, it requires Direct X 11 be installed on the system (hence the OS requirements).
To run it, just run the BallDemo.exe and pray (oh, and ensure that the zip file isn't 'blocked' by Windows, .NET assemblies hate that shit). It defaults to windowed mode with a resolution of 1280x800 although you can modify the BallDemo.config file to change to a resolution you like.
Let me know what your performance is like.