One such board is Sysinternals'. They do winternals, I do winternals, they have a suggestion section and I want ideas. It's a perfect fit. On a previous visit, one of the suggestions I found was for a program that could list active hooks. Given my previous excursions into user/win32k territory, it didn't seem like it'd be too hard. And apart from the digging around assembly listings for the structure offsets, it wasn't, and that was more time-intensive than difficult. At any rate, I am now the owner of 14 versions of win32k.sys' symbols. I don't even have 14 games on my computer!
Rather than just dumping a download link and saying what it does (like I semi-did last time), I thought I'd deconstruct the hows and why's of the kernel side of the query. Needless to say, much of what follows is discussion of undocumented things. I am aware this makes Raymond Chen cry. Sorry fella.
Continue reading on Just Let It Flow
Apologies to BenS1, I didn't notice the comment on the previous blog entry. Looks like I went and did what you were after anyway