Detailing the Hookers

Published July 18, 2011
We all need ideas. Whether you've just finished something, or are getting a little bit bored with your current project you can't help but let your mind drift to the next cool thing you'll create. Sometimes the ideas come thick and fast, other times they're like gold dust. When I'm in the second camp, and reading the various boards I read, I will quite happily steal other peoples.

One such board is Sysinternals'. They do winternals, I do winternals, they have a suggestion section and I want ideas. It's a perfect fit. On a previous visit, one of the suggestions I found was for a program that could list active hooks. Given my previous excursions into user/win32k territory, it didn't seem like it'd be too hard. And apart from the digging around assembly listings for the structure offsets, it wasn't, and that was more time-intensive than difficult. At any rate, I am now the owner of 14 versions of win32k.sys' symbols. I don't even have 14 games on my computer!

Rather than just dumping a download link and saying what it does (like I semi-did last time), I thought I'd deconstruct the hows and why's of the kernel side of the query. Needless to say, much of what follows is discussion of undocumented things. I am aware this makes Raymond Chen cry. Sorry fella.

Continue reading on Just Let It Flow

Apologies to BenS1, I didn't notice the comment on the previous blog entry. Looks like I went and did what you were after anyway :)
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