We've decided to tap into that vast news base on the web and have implemented a system that will aggregate and allow you, the community, to select the news you find important. It's our hope that through community collaboration we deliver content that is more relevant and important to you.
What can you do to help us out? When you see a post you like.. click the like button. You'll notice it's [size="4"]very large compared to the other "like" voting mechanisms on our site and that was purposefully done because that is really what we'd like you to do. Size matters in this case, as it shows you that it's something we should all find important. Voting to like a post, or calling a post "Not Interesting", allows us to collect important information that will help ensure news is relevant to the GameDev.net community.
[size="4"]What's new with the news?
- Users can now vote up / down news in a more obvious way than stars
- "Liking" a news post is much more emphasize
- News posts can be ranked by a quality score we composite by using likes, views, and comments to gauge interest
- News views are unique to each and every user - If you find something
not interesting it is permanently removed from your frontpage - Likewise you can see each post you voted on when you refresh the page
- Top news in 24 hours, 7 days, and 30 days has been added -
navigation done via dropdown - Paging has been added to go forward/back multiple pages
- Existing news has been retained and integrated within the stream
- Faster access - news now is served via a Redis server for quick access to your own personalized view of the news
[size="4"]Why did we do this?
GameDev.net by itself provides about 5 news items per week on average. A lot happens every day in the games industry, though, and 5 news items per week doesn't cover it.
Sites like reddit and digg have demonstrated the power of community collaboration on news content and ensuring relevant information is delivered to users. We've decided to embrace these concepts and move away from trying to produce original news content on a regular basis. Instead, we are aggregating news from around the Internet that should be relevant to you. And if it's not, click "Not interesting" - over time we'll learn what our community finds interesting, and we'll adjust our algorithms from there.
[size="4"]Where are you going with this?
This is the first step in creating a GameDev.net that is more relevant to your personal taste. Every person visits the site for a different reason, looks for different types of content, and wants a different experience out of the site. In addition, the game development is an ever-evolving, global industry that we want to be able to quickly adapt to in order to ensure we are providing information and content that is relevant to you, the GameDev.net visitor.
In the near future we'll be adding even more capabilities that allow you to find the information you want and people you want to engage with. In the meantime, we hope you find that this change in GameDev.net news is ultimately more useful and informative for you.
Weekend & Weekday Readings from Journal Land will be combined back into just Weekend Reading on Fridays. This is because I will be posting them in my journal (I know, meta, right?) and featuring this in the front page box and I only want to take up one day out of the week to use the front page box for this