It's tough to go through the process of creating your own site, marketing the heck out of it, and getting the type of exposure you really want. Believe me, it takes a ton of creativity, patience, and effort to draw people in and go from an unknown to an indie success story. got started as just a few guys running their own sites who just happened to join together and collaborate. We just figured it makes natural sense to give you guys the opportunity to also collaborate with us and take advantage of our site traffic and awesome community. This leaves you with more time to focus more on what you do best, which is to create great content and software.
One of the things we are looking to do is avoid oversaturation of our marketplace with thousands of low-quality textures or models or software and tools that aren't very good. Any game developer wants nothing but the very best for their game, but it absolutely has to be at an affordable price. Because this marketplace will be largely geared towards the indie developer, we will be looking to sell any of the following items:
- eBooks direct from publishers so you save money over sites like
- indie middleware and tools to help you create your games
- content packs - graphics, models, textures.. you don't want to blow a thousand dollars on one model and then stock the rest of your game with low quality models. If you want to look professional you need to have work that has a consistent look and feel to it. To that end we will be looking for content producers that create packs of media content rather than single models
Here is a sneak peak
[size="2"]If you are a content producer with an interest in participating in this program, send me a private message and provide me with some details about what you create. For everyone else, I am just as anxious to unveil over time each new developer or content producer.
Let us know what you want to see out of a marketplace, because it is important that we do everything we can to support the independent developer community that has been such a large part of our success as a site.
I'd also love to buy other developer's indie games from the marketplace, but only if they have been part of the GDNet community for at least a year.