Hyper-prolific independent game developer Cactus, less commonly known by his birth name of Jonatan Soderstrom begins his presentation with: "why you would want to be mean to your players when you make a game."
Cactus then adds an additional warning to anyone prone to seizures may want to be careful in his speech. Moments later, he spews colors and flashy graphics all over the presentation screens. Cactus then discusses why developers should be "mean" to their players: games are too easy, it's fun for the developer, it provides more freedom in the game design, and in making the design difficult developers will find new players.
Comparing game development to movies, Cactus feels that David Lynch became famous for making very cryptic movies and not letting on to what the movies mean. This requires viewers to go home and reflect on what the movie was about (citing Eraserhead, Wild at Heart, Twin Peaks, Lost Highway). Cactus then played a clip of the party scene from Lost Highway; you know, the one with the greatest scenes in all of cinema, starting with with the infamous: "We've met before, haven't we?" Oh, that Bill Pullman.
"Give me back my phone."
Cactus then finds David Lynch's closest game industry comparison to be Suda 51's Killer 7 (and, to a lesser extent, the more MTV-inspired No More Heroes). He went on to discuss the influence that El Topo had on Shadow of the Colossus... If Studio Ghibli had also somehow played into the whole equation. Cactus also referenced the Playstation 1 game LSD due to its crazy, edgy imagery.
John Holmstrom's quote which states punk rock is music by people who aren't good musicians but who still like music. Cactus references Klik & Play or GameMaker as a means to make games if you don't have the skills as a programmer necessary to make them. Cactus said he was attracted to this because "you didn't need any coding skills to make a game." Non-programmers could make interesting games if they had the chance to make them. As such, these non-programmers could make interesting games and the games they would like to see be made. This results in games made by people who aren't gamers and, therefore, aren't beholden to the standard design conventions that gamers internalize.
Cactus moves on to talk about developers he feels are interesting. Mark "Messhof" Essen is cited as Cactus' "idol" due to making very hard, simplistic, and strange games. Messhof uses simplistic, symbolic graphics to create a unique universe within the game that can be interpreted by the player. Messhof's Punishment is referenced as a game which disorients the player; the player is also punished for making the slightest error. Cactus highlights the continually changing level orientation and pickup-altering control schemes as a way to mix up the gameplay formula that players are accustomed to. Messhof also references Punishment 2, Randy Balma, More Balma, The Thrill of Combat.
Cactus then goes on to talk about JPH Wachesky, another GameMaker game developer who uses a very unique visual style. Blinking, rotating, patterns, psychedelic imagery are all techniques that Cactus uses to make a "very annoying" visual style for the player.
Logics don't work, outside the box, experiment. Cactus then puts on a game that utilizes logic that doesn't work, "outside the box," and experimentation (as he calls it, "Abusing Gameplay"). The game is like Wolfenstein, except it features arrows on the ground that, if followed, lead you in a complete circle. It is only once you disobey the arrows that you come across a door. "My whole I've been training untill I stand it all. Now I know everything" says the man with the monitor on his head in the game on display. Cactus cites "fresh puzzles," easy development, and "variation" as the reason to use strange gameplay logic.
The next game that Cactus puts on display is a game featuring bunnies that jump along with the player and if the player touches them, the player is killed. It is only once the spikes in the initial stage are used to kill the player character that a stronger secondary character is playable who can just punch through the bunnies. Cactus goes on to display that this strange gameplay logic can lead to scenarios which are "too random" and "too difficult."
Cactus goes on to discuss the the purpose of "insane" difficulty in games; it can elicit unexpected responses from player actions, players (and developers) don't know what's going to happen, and it allows for developers to be very creative in how they work. I Wanna Be the Guy is demonstrated as a game that represents this insane difficulty. The game, Cactus said, is a test of skills, not completely unfair, uses difficulty as puzzles, and it has slapstick atmosphere that combines to make a very good, unique game.
Someone runs up to Cactus and he talks to her, through the microphone, and says "I gotta go? Oh, no problem" and stops the presentation.
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