Tangent: v0.28

Published May 07, 2009
I took some time tonight to nuke the last showstopper bugs so that I could make a midpoint release of Tangent. There's still plenty of bugs, but it'd been too long since a release. Not that anyone is downloading it, but one less excuse.

This release adds:

- A tiny command line compiler to the package for the mono users.
- The new Arguments => ReturnType syntax for methods.
- Better support for phrases.
- Support for operator symbols in phrases.
- Auto identification of infix methods.
- Support for generators via the yields return type.
- Better support for generics (still mostly broken).
- Better support for .NET imports.
- The -> type operator to succinctly define delegate types.
- foreach.
- The 'to' generator for ranges of integers.
- Improved support for 'this' methods.
- Statics (still a little flakey)
- Enums (barely implemented)
- ... and the usual assortment of bugfixes and random improvements.

Documentation on the site is still old. I'll take care of that in the coming week or two. Error messages are still terrible, and debugging info non-existent. That'll take a bit longer.
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Are you hand crafting the parser?
May 08, 2009 06:47 AM
Quote: Original post by evolutional
Are you hand crafting the parser?

Yes, for all intensive purposes.

I'm re-using a boost::spirit-like parsing library that I had before starting on Tangent. Started with a lexer and parser for C#, modifying as desired. The lexer is almost exactly the same. It's a little different for Tangent since a lot of the work normally done by the parser (building an AST from tokens) is done in a separate step after identifying the type information.
May 08, 2009 08:03 AM
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