Things That Suck About the Magnetic Butterfly Publ

posted in mittentacular
Published February 26, 2009
There are a number of things that suck about the first public prototype for Magnetic Butterfly. Let's talk about those things.
  • It's very much a prototype; it's not at all a "game" yet.

  • The butterfly is composed of a capsule primitive and two awful wings. These wings do not flap (or flutter).

  • IfWhen you fall off of the platform and find yourself falling into an abyss there is nothing you can do. You will fall forever. You will fall until you refresh the page. Or close the browser.

  • There is no incentive to risk your butterfly's life to grab the point spheres other than the score number going up. Then again, score served as the sole incentive for games for years.

  • There are no enemies implemented.

  • The tuning on the butterfly and wrecking ball system is not awesome (yet).

  • The existence of the score combo system is unknown to everyone but me. That said, this sounds like the basis for a new religion.

That works for now. If you feel like installing the Unity web player then you will find the following controls useful: W/A/S/D for movement and the space bar controls the butterfly's magnetism. While magnetized, the player has about two seconds of charge (at its maximum) and this will keep the butterfly locked in place for the duration of the magnetism. So, uh, have fun with the prototype, I guess? Any feedback is not only recommended but welcomed and appreciated. Click the link below to play:

Magnetic Butterfly Prototype

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Nifty demo! The load time is pretty long though for something so simple.
Also, how come the ball and chain acts more like a ball on a bungee cord?
Im not sure if you did this on purpose or you just havnt worked out the exact feel yet. And how come I only fall over the edge when the butterfly goes over but the ball will hover in mid air if the butterfly doesnt go off the edge?

But I cant wait to try the next release, it seems like a really cool concept that could be made into a really cool game.
Good luck with it
February 26, 2009 02:03 PM
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