Working Weekend

Published August 06, 2008
My social life is on hiatus until Sunday evening since my partner in crime is busy doing a play. Bad for me, good for Tangent. The plan for this weekend is to get inheritance working fully. Properly resolved name collisions, fix the bug in op constraints, and get a few nice test cases for the various combinations of collision resolution. Oh, and a release for people to inevitably break it.

I kinda only expect to get 1/3 of that actually done, but whatever. That should leave me the rest of the month for the other 2/3, bug-fixes from it, and one or two other features. Probably absolute path notation or signature type expressions or non-trivial type expressions or perhaps half-assed .NET import support. We'll see what the demand is, and where whimsy goes. Generics in source is the next big thing in the queue. I'd kinda like to get a few little polish-y things done first.

Which is maybe funny since the hard part of generics is already there for types (though might need some tweaking), I just need to implement the syntax and compilation bits into it.
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