Cubegasm The New Design

posted in mittentacular
Published July 21, 2008
This isn't a long entry, I just wanted to update this and indicate that I'm now back to work on Cubegasm. I mentally redesigned the game into an RTS and, since that occurred, I have a completely renewed interest in working on the game. Here are the three types of XML files I have created thus far:

Map XML:
"1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>"Level1" DisplayName="Cubegasm: Level One"> "2000.0" depth="2000.0"/> "FresnelReflectionRefraction"/> "AttackTower_Fire1" SpecialName="DoogieHowserMD"> "10.0" y="0.0" z="10.0"/> "0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0"/> 

Fort (Block-by-block "model") XML:
"1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>"Tower1"> "Weapon" Type="0" x="0.0" y="15.0" z="0.0"/>  "1"/> "4"/> "0" Width="6.0" Height="1.0" Depth="6.0"/> "0.0" y="1.0" z="0.0"/>   "1"/> "4"/> "0" Width="4.5" Height="1.0" Depth="5.5"/> "1.0" y="2.0" z="0.0"/>   "1"/> "4"/> "0" Width="5.0" Height="1.0" Depth="5.25"/> "0.0" y="3.0" z="1.0"/>   "1"/> "4"/> "0" Width="5.0" Height="1.0" Depth="5.0"/> "0.0" y="4.0" z="0.0"/>   "1"/> "4"/> "0" Width="4.5" Height="1.0" Depth="4.5"/> "0.0" y="5.0" z="0.0"/>   "1"/> "4"/> "0" Width="4.0" Height="1.0" Depth="4.0"/> "0.0" y="6.0" z="0.0"/>   "1"/> "4"/> "0" Width="3.75" Height="1.0" Depth="4.0"/> "0.0" y="7.0" z="0.0"/>   "1"/> "4"/> "0" Width="3.75" Height="1.0" Depth="3.5"/> "1.0" y="8.0" z="0.0"/>   "1"/> "4"/> "0" Width="3.25" Height="1.0" Depth="3.25"/> "0.5" y="9.0" z="0.0"/>   "1"/> "4"/> "0" Width="3.0" Height="1.0" Depth="2.75"/> "0.25" y="10.0" z="0.25"/>   "1"/> "4"/> "0" Width="2.7" Height="1.0" Depth="2.6"/> "0.0" y="11.0" z="0.0"/>   "1"/> "4"/> "0" Width="2.0" Height="1.0" Depth="2.5"/> "0.0" y="12.0" z="1.0"/>   "1"/> "4"/> "0" Width="2.0" Height="1.0" Depth="2.0"/> "0.0" y="13.0" z="0.25"/>   "1"/> "4"/> "0" Width="2.0" Height="1.0" Depth="2.0"/> "0.0" y="14.0" z="0.5"/> 

Entity/Unit XML:
"1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>"AttackTower_Fire1" DisplayName="Attack Tower"> "Tower1.xml"/> "AttackTowerFire1"/> "50.0"/> "25.0" Type="0"/> "10.0"/>

All of this goes to create this little rickety attack tower which has an Eye of Sauron-like glow at the top that will launch firecubes at the oncoming crack squad of cube units that are assaulting the enemy fortress. I'll detail the types of units a player will control in a future entry.

Also, as a final note, I believe that this Friday will mark my final day of writing the Daily every week day. There may be plans in motion to make it a more communal sort of daily column so that the burden of writing everything doesn't fall solely on me but, for now, as I approach my eighty-ninth straight Daily it's becoming time for me to take a break.
Previous Entry Cubegasmtacular!
Next Entry Cubegasm + XNA = 3
0 likes 4 comments


What happened to "write the daily every day for a full year before taking a break?"

You disappoint me, Ternt.
July 22, 2008 02:09 AM
Original post by Drilian
What happened to "write the daily every day for a full year before taking a break?"

You disappoint me, Ternt.

Wanting to finish another game in that timespan, kinda.
July 22, 2008 07:20 AM
You do realize that the tower is not made of cubes, right? I feel that this breaks the player's immersion in the game Cubegasm, and ruins the play experience overall.
July 22, 2008 04:03 PM
Original post by mrlachatte
You do realize that the tower is not made of cubes, right? I feel that this breaks the player's immersion in the game Cubegasm, and ruins the play experience overall.

Boxgasm doesn't have the same ring to it. The name "Cubegasm" now applies to the denizens of the game and not the structures.

I made that rule up right here. Right now.
July 22, 2008 06:03 PM
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