SlimDX Installer Teaser

Published June 13, 2008
I've been experimenting with driving to improve my mileage lately. I managed to gain about 4.5 mpg, from 23 to 27.5. It was really boring though, so I'm not sure if I will do it again. I prefer driving like a nutcase to saving a couple dollars...

SlimDX Installer Teaser

I was going to write up a beautiful entry on the process of creating an installer for SlimDX. However, that process took me three long days, and has been a thoroughly exasperating process. Not to mention I still need to test the damn thing. I thought the docs were bad, but this was much worse.

Plus it's freaking Friday evening. So I'm giving you guys this instead.

I'll throw up the write up on creating that thing in a few days. I'll tell you one thing though -- if any of you are building a Windows installer for a DX based program and want to include the redist, come to me. I can hook you up.
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Whilst not DX related, I lost several days due to Windows Installers recently. A thoroughly painful and tiring experience [headshake]
June 16, 2008 04:02 AM
What did you use to create it? I haven't had (much) problems creating installers at work and it's been a relatively seamless process, although I've been using external install builders to create them.
June 16, 2008 10:07 AM
Promit, did you get an email from me regarding your "Writing Endian Independent Code in C++" article?

In either case, email me ASAP about it.
June 18, 2008 03:38 PM
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