Milestone 3 and then some.

Published June 11, 2008
I hit milestone 3 a few days ago. Local variable declaration works (for ints at least). Initialization, default values, scope.

Tonight I had free so worked quickly on milestone 4 (method declarations). About 45 minutes and I had the grammar setup and the first testcase:

public static void foo(){     new int x = 6;     print x;} int bar(int,int); private delegate string baz(string moo);

And parsed correctly the first fly through. Quite satisfying to say the least.

In other news my work today decided to implement some nice URL/IP blacklists. Bye bye penny arcade. They even blocked my local pickup hockey league's site, but not gamedev. (clearly work appropriate forums...) And in a move of amazing genius, they blocked the site that the block page links to for more info!

I can't imagine what their goal is. Employee morale is already at an all time low, what with the weekly 'so and so is off to pursue other opportunity' emails, the universally horrible last round of reviews (3% for all departments!), the tight-assed dress code, the joke christmas 'bonuses' (cheap, useless company branded crap), the intrusive IT spyware, the shit benefits...

It's not as though a company has to suck to move to Miami.

Managed to update the resume. Now to find the motivation to polish and publish it. ...or at least find the skills to guarantee gainful employment.
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