Parser Debugging.

Published January 19, 2008
Debugging parsers sucks nards.

I redid the PrimaryExpression parser for C#3.0 because my parsing framework doesn't handle left recursion. I then spent the rest of the day looking into why it didn't work. Turns out I forgot to put .Optional after the parser declaration for the postfix(++/--) operators. Not many expressions have the suddenly required ++ or -- to work...


Anyways, the parser passes its current test: parse the source code for the test itself. 2300 lines of parse tree for ~20 lines of code... Maybe need to cut the verbosity down on that. So far this has been a pretty interesting exercise, and a little educational, but I've the nagging feeling that I could be doing something better with my time. I suspect I still re-implement things far far too much and such inclinations are what keep me from being even mediocre.
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