C# 3

Published November 25, 2007
I've been taking a look through C# 3.0 stuff now that 2008 express is out. I do not care for pretty much any of the additions. C# was very good about being clear and very good about making the developer not make icky code. 3.0 seems to directly contradict that.

LINQ is a good idea but seems hackish and tacked on. You have freedom to mess with the language, why make all the added LINQ keywords do dumb translation to extension methods?

Lambda Expressions and the initializers make things a lot more dense and (imo) less readable.

var is (by definition) less clear and explicit. And they didn't allow it to be used in generics akin to Java's ? where it would've been useful.

Type inference is usually fine, but again goes against the explicit tendencies of the language and will allow a few nasty bugs where the inferred type doesn't end up to be what the developer expects (or worse yet, is changed out from under them).

I dunno, maybe I'm just being a stick in the mud or haven't worked with it enough, but I'm disappointed.
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