Workshop Project #2 progress.

Published August 25, 2007
500 more lines. Spell infrastructure implemented.

Cure Light Wounds is the only spell there, though the actual effect and the range limitation aren't yet implemented since HP and location doesn't exist yet. Still, it'll be enough to create the spellcasting professions.

[edit: Oops, not without spell slots... 350 more lines. Wizard 1 done:

Character[9] - FoobieMonkeyElf[2]Wizard 1Unknown / UnknownAge: 139        Height: 61 in.          Weight: 85 lbs.Speed                   30 = 30 (Racial[2])Max HP                  3 = 3 (None[21])Attack Bonus            0 = 0 (Base[9])Unspent Skill Pts: 8Strength                12 = 12 (Base[9])Intelligence            11 = 11 (Base[9])Wisdom                  9 = 9 (Base[9])Dexterity               18 = 16 (Base[9]) + 2 (Racial[2])Constitution            9 = 11 (Base[9]) + -2 (Racial[2])Charisma                7 = 7 (Base[9])Fortitude               -1 = -1 (Constitution[9]) + 0 (None[21])Reflex                  4 = 4 (Dexterity[9]) + 0 (None[21])Will                    1 = -1 (Wisdom[9]) + 2 (None[21])Skills:Appraise                0 = 0 (Base[9]) + 0 (Intelligence[9])Balance                 4 = 0 (Base[9]) + 4 (Dexterity[9])Bluff                   -2 = 0 (Base[9]) + -2 (Charisma[9])Climb                   1 = 0 (Base[9]) + 1 (Strength[9])Concentration           -1 = 0 (Base[9]) + -1 (Constitution[9])Craft                   0 = 0 (Base[9]) + 0 (Intelligence[9])Diplomacy               0 = 0 (Base[9]) + 0 (Intelligence[9])Disguise                -2 = 0 (Base[9]) + -2 (Charisma[9])Escape Artist           4 = 0 (Base[9]) + 4 (Dexterity[9])Forgery                 0 = 0 (Base[9]) + 0 (Intelligence[9])Gather Information      -2 =  0 (Base[9]) + -2 (Charisma[9])Heal                    -1 = 0 (Base[9]) + -1 (Wisdom[9])Hide                    4 = 0 (Base[9]) + 4 (Dexterity[9])Intimidate              -2 = 0 (Base[9]) + -2 (Charisma[9])Jump                    1 = 0 (Base[9]) + 1 (Strength[9])Listen                  1 = 0 (Base[9]) + -1 (Wisdom[9]) + 2 (Racial[2])Move Silently           4 = 0 (Base[9]) + 4 (Dexterity[9])Perform                 -2 = 0 (Base[9]) + -2 (Charisma[9])Ride                    4 = 0 (Base[9]) + 4 (Dexterity[9])Scry                    0 = 0 (Base[9]) + 0 (Intelligence[9])Search                  2 = 0 (Base[9]) + 0 (Intelligence[9]) + 2 (Racial[2])Sense Motive            -1 = 0 (Base[9]) + -1 (Wisdom[9])Spot                    1 = 0 (Base[9]) + -1 (Wisdom[9]) + 2 (Racial[2])Swim                    1 = 0 (Base[9]) + 1 (Strength[9])Use Rope                4 = 0 (Base[9]) + 4 (Dexterity[9])Wilderness Lore         -1 = 0 (Base[9]) + -1 (Wisdom[9])Effects:ImmunityToSleep[2]Infravision[2]PendingFeat[21]Available Spells:Wizard 0   []Wizard 0   []Wizard 0   []Wizard 1   []
Next Entry Cheaters.
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