Workshop Update

Published August 22, 2007
400 more lines. Added class/cross-class tags to profession. Added Barbarian 1 and Fighter upto level 10. Handled a bug in multi-class HP gain. Example of multiclass handling (The halfling barbarian/rogue is one of my favorites to play in 3rd ed.):

[barb speed bonus not implemented until armor is, rage not implemented until I figure out how I want to do the 'per day' abilities]

Character[9] - FoobieMonkeyHalfling[8]Barbarian 1 / Fighter 1Unknown / UnknownAge: 138        Height: 42 in.          Weight: 33 lbs.Speed                   20 = 20 (Racial[8])Max HP                  18 = 11 (None[20]) + 7 (None[10])Attack Bonus            3 = 2 (Base[9]) + 1 (Size[8])Unspent Skill Pts: 8Strength                9 = 11 (Base[9]) + -2 (Racial[8])Intelligence            5 = 5 (Base[9])Wisdom                  15 = 15 (Base[9])Dexterity               14 = 12 (Base[9]) + 2 (Racial[8])Constitution            9 = 9 (Base[9])Charisma                8 = 8 (Base[9])Fortitude               4 = -1 (Constitution[9]) + 1 (Racial[8]) + 2 (None[20]) + 2 (None[10])Reflex                  3 = 2 (Dexterity[9]) + 1 (Racial[8]) + 0 (None[20]) + 0 (None[10])Will                    3 = 2 (Wisdom[9]) + 1 (Racial[8]) + 0 (None[20]) + 0 (None[10])Skills:Appraise                -3 = 0 (Base[9]) + -3 (Intelligence[9])Balance                 2 = 0 (Base[9]) + 2 (Dexterity[9])Bluff                   -1 = 0 (Base[9]) + -1 (Charisma[9])Climb                   1 = 0 (Base[9]) + -1 (Strength[9]) + 2 (Racial[8])Concentration           -1 = 0 (Base[9]) + -1 (Constitution[9])Craft                   -3 = 0 (Base[9]) + -3 (Intelligence[9])Diplomacy               -3 = 0 (Base[9]) + -3 (Intelligence[9])Disguise                -1 = 0 (Base[9]) + -1 (Charisma[9])Escape Artist           2 = 0 (Base[9]) + 2 (Dexterity[9])Forgery                 -3 = 0 (Base[9]) + -3 (Intelligence[9])Gather Information      -1 =  0 (Base[9]) + -1 (Charisma[9])Heal                    2 = 0 (Base[9]) + 2 (Wisdom[9])Hide                    6 = 0 (Base[9]) + 2 (Dexterity[9]) + 4 (Size[8])Intimidate              -1 = 0 (Base[9]) + -1 (Charisma[9])Jump                    1 = 0 (Base[9]) + -1 (Strength[9]) + 2 (Racial[8])Listen                  4 = 0 (Base[9]) + 2 (Wisdom[9]) + 2 (Racial[8])Move Silently           4 = 0 (Base[9]) + 2 (Dexterity[9]) + 2 (Racial[8])Perform                 -1 = 0 (Base[9]) + -1 (Charisma[9])Ride                    2 = 0 (Base[9]) + 2 (Dexterity[9])Scry                    -3 = 0 (Base[9]) + -3 (Intelligence[9])Search                  -3 = 0 (Base[9]) + -3 (Intelligence[9])Sense Motive            2 = 0 (Base[9]) + 2 (Wisdom[9])Spot                    2 = 0 (Base[9]) + 2 (Wisdom[9])Swim                    -1 = 0 (Base[9]) + -1 (Strength[9])Use Rope                2 = 0 (Base[9]) + 2 (Dexterity[9])Wilderness Lore         2 = 0 (Base[9]) + 2 (Wisdom[9])Effects:Armor Proficiency(None) [23]Armor Proficiency(Light) [24]Armor Proficiency(Medium) [25]Armor Proficiency(Shield) [27]Armor Proficiency(None) [23]Armor Proficiency(Light) [24]Armor Proficiency(Medium) [25]Armor Proficiency(Heavy) [26]Armor Proficiency(Shield) [27]PendingFeat[20]
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Every time you post, i have no idea what you are talking about but i always wanted to know lol, care to explain?
August 22, 2007 08:53 PM
Quote: Original post by Swattkidd
Every time you post, i have no idea what you are talking about but i always wanted to know lol, care to explain?

jwalsh is running a C# workshop. Project #2 is a Dungeons and Dragons character generator. I'm working through it myself so that I can better answer participants' questions as they arise. The project is still in progress so I post the stuff here for now as to not distract participants from their own work.
August 23, 2007 12:35 AM
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