
Published June 01, 2007
I just received a bill from the IRS for some $23000 or so in taxes for a year in which I spent 8 months unemployed. Thanks government. I'm sure you need the money to promote democracy and the such, but all in all I'd rather have not lived in fear of losing my house.
Previous Entry Not much of note.
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23,000 Good Lord that's a lot of money. I was going to write some witty Chris Rockesque response to follow that line, but the more I think about it, it just makes me sad. Good luck getting that resolved.
June 01, 2007 10:47 PM
Mistake ? How is that possible ? Or did you make a few hundred thousands in the 4 remaining months of activity ? :)
June 02, 2007 06:56 AM
Quote: Original post by Ysaneya
Mistake ? How is that possible ? Or did you make a few hundred thousands in the 4 remaining months of activity ? :)

After looking through my documents it might be a small part mistake, but mostly it looks like I misunderstood some of the stock tax law. I really was supposed to be double taxed on some of them. (once for the difference of sale price and market price and once for the actual sale since they were held under a year).

Eh. I should've expected as much; things were just going far too well.
June 02, 2007 08:52 AM
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