Some random thoughts.

Published March 22, 2007
One thing that's been making the journal rounds is this link from HopeDagger's journal. 'tis an article trying to categorize developers. I don't particular agree with it or that it even vaguely represents developers, though perhaps I've just not met too many....

It did though bring up something for me to think of, which I do think about quite a bit. I worry that I am not, and won't develop into a particularly good computer programmer. Odd I suppose, given that I've been programming off and on for some 15 years and currently make my living doing it.

I'm not sure quite what it is that I'm missing (or not found yet). I've gotten to the point where syntax isn't a big deal, I don't fight the compiler or the debugger anymore, a few hundred lines written in an intellisense IDE will compile the first try and is usually bug free; program design is pretty good: utilities are reusable, separate, and not too annoying to use. I can even look upon old code without horror and disgust!

There's something though I am missing right now. I can feel it. There's still a pretty huge rift between where I'm at and even folks like HopeDagger who've got some nice stuff to show. (who in turn seem to be another step below Ravuya and dgreen, who in turn seem to be a step below a few folks [whose names I cannot remember] who're then a step below the Sneftel's of the world) [of course I might be completely wrong; I've only forum posts to go by]

I'm not sure if it's experience or some missing knowledge or missing some other developers' viewpoints. Might just be confidence or acclaim for my product. Or of course it might just be how I am wired does not suit that analytical or creative sort who're particularly gifted.

I've no idea. I don't particularly fit into any of the four stereotypes either. I'm not particularly smart I've realized, but I'm not a log either. I get all my work work done (expediently), but don't even have tetris to show off from my hobby work. That just has a bunch of infrastructure and a few unpolished half-done demos and clones.

It's a bit worrying and frustrating and disappointing all rolled up. I suppose it'll just be one of those things I'll find out when it comes just like all the other big steps taken in improving my development skills.
Previous Entry Moe work delayed.
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Aaaah! I'm ahead of people?

March 22, 2007 06:35 PM
Quote: Original post by Telastyn
One thing that's been making the journal rounds is this link from HopeDagger's journal. 'tis an article trying to categorize developers. I don't particular agree with it or that it even vaguely represents developers, though perhaps I've just not met too many....

Mind you his article's goal was largely to categorize hobbyist developers. I've been around the hobbyist gamedev scene for several years now (mainly through forums) and I like to (unfortunate as it may be) think that Eliwood's article sums it up fairly nicely. There's never any such thing as truly breaking all hobbyist developers into 4 neat headings, but I found it remarkable how close it managed.
March 22, 2007 06:41 PM
Wow, I was actually going to write something similar. I usually end up coding the bare-bones part of a game, only to become either bored with the project, or dismayed that the game has no content, and good free content is virtually non-existent. I've been programming for 7 years and trying to make games for the last 5, yet I also have barely anything to show for it.

However it doesn't bother me that much since this is a hobby for me, I don't plan on making it a career. People usually don't like seeing my projects dropped, but at the same time hobbyist development should be fun. I wouldn't expect someone to work on something they didn't want to just to please some faceless users on a web forum. Of course I can see how someone that actually wants to be a professional game programmer would want a rather complete portfolio.
March 22, 2007 07:50 PM
Yeah, I tend to fall into the same group as you Tel.

I think the answer lies in something other than your coding ability or intelligence. There's the whole side of motivation, perseverence and the commitment to being (sometimes painfully) self-critical for the purposes of making you a better developer in the end. The bottom line is that us hobbyists aren't doing this as our day-job. So really, it takes an extraordinary drive, passion and determination to take projects all the way from "wouldn't that be cool" to something people can download and play.

I guess we've got to ask ourselves that hard question on whether we have the stuff, or whether we're just happy puttering around. [smile]
March 22, 2007 08:25 PM
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