
Published October 17, 2006
I'm not the sort that likes to try new things. I don't really get tired of the same thing either. This leads to me generally eating and doing the same thing over and over again. It's good, why take the chance of something else being asstacular?

That also leads me to not being able to cook. Anything really. I can make ramen, and spagheti-o's... and cereal... and that's about it. Now that I'm in the situation where I need to cook for myself again, I've set a goal to try and cook something new once a week (with 1 week 'off' every month) until I learn how to make the stuff not terrible. The other side effect is each should require me to buy a new kitchen thing to cook it. This will help space those purchases out over time.

This week was beef ribeye. It wasn't bad. A little 'beefy' tasting for my tastes, but otherwise it was done right and I didn't become deathly ill from eating it. Maybe that particular cut wasn't so good. We'll see later.

Other things on the list:

- spaghetti
- scrambled eggs
- white rice (not insta-rice, actual rice)
- tater tots
- some sort of spicy chinese meat to eat with the rice
- some sort of fudge or cake
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