Progress Report

Published March 09, 2006
Guess I was a little mistaken thinking (in my first post) that I might not post too often...

~10pm CST:
- Added an AsciiTree method to the base renderable.

It's a little recursive function to walk the render tree and use C# reflection to dump out the current state of the tree; for now merely by classname.

Moe currently after initialization:

d3d_guiroot  AlphaFadeEffect    d3d_image  ChatBox    d3d_image    d3d_image    TextGrabber    d3d_image    StringList      d3d_text    Blinky      PipeTextCursor  FramesPerSec    d3d_image  MemUsage    d3d_image

Alas, you can see here even the little shift I had when I learned to start writing C# in C#, and not in C++...

Anyways, this should be good for debugging; and might lead to expansion for more thorough debugging or performance analysis, as I imagine there's plenty of nifty things reflection can do that I've yet to unearth.

I'm glad that I'm managing to push out code almost every day, even if it is little tidbits like this. Good habit to get into if I ever hope to do such things professionally. Now to get into that habit of actually finishing things...

Previous Entry Damnit.
Next Entry Damnit Redux.
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