Challenging myself to make a browser based First Person Survival game using Node and ThreeJS inspired by the classic Midwinter for the Amiga 500.
I'm a SAP programmer by day (so not much of a programmer some might argue! ?) with very little experience of game dev. Once created a mobile game called Lux which was fairly rubbish and pretty much stuck to doing music for indie devs since as a hobby. Prior to that I got into C# and XNA which was pretty good fun until Microsoft canned it. Dabbled with Unity a bit but wanted to have a laugh creating a game from scratch using nothing but Node and ThreeJS.
So why not drop by and have a laugh at me striving and struggling to create a game of a scale that is well beyond anything a solo inexperienced dev should ever attempt! ?

After some extensive refactoring of my messy code (it's still a mess but at least it's refactored mess now) I decided to add a bit of atmosphere to the game by adding some fog... which also, quite conveniently, hides the edge of the terrain geometry so you don't see it 'popping' in. ?
I also buil…

So here we are. I'm not a seasoned blogger, or skilled game dev or any such thing. Social media is, in my opinion, a bit of a pain, so don't be expecting regular daily updates or anything like that. They'll happen when they happen.
This project (The Berg) is just my idea of fun in my spare tim…