Sorry for the holdup, it's been quite a busy Saturday and didn't have the time to write the blog!
So, anyway... This week was really slow, mainly due to my newly acquired Switch. I was still able to add some interesting stuff as you'll see, but this week consisted mainly on fixing bugs and getting ready for that public alpha really.
So let's get right to it!
Floors Effects
In my previous entry, I've talked about floors. The idea with these is that each type of floor will have different effects on whoever steps on it.
Well, now it's implemented. This is quite dangerous to forget about these while playing. If you're not careful you might get yourself fall down a chasm really fast.
Floor details
Next, most floors now got distinctive looks. Let's take a look at them!
As you can see, this floor now got minimalistic blades of grass here and there.
This was made with a particle system, which was easy to set up. I still need to rectify the shaders so that it matches the grass floor's one, but the particles are working properly.
Sand also got revamped. Now there's a specular map that gives the floor a nice sandish effect.
There's also an occlusion map to give it some texture without making it too complex for the style I'm looking for.
The edits on this floor are similar to the sand one, except that it's supposed to simulate felt rather than sand.
I'm not quite sure this is the final design though...
New Floor layouts
Next, there's also two new floor layout: the cross layout and the checkered layout.
Cross layout
This layout consists of drawing two rectangles at the center of a given room, creating some kind of cross.
Because there's already large structures such as lakes and whatnot, we simply need to draw the cross only and let the corners stay as they were.
There's also another variation of it which overwrite the room so that the whole room is fully walkable, but in essence, it's the same thing.
Checkered Layout
This layout is quite easy to understand.
There are two walkable floor types that get used to drawing a checkered pattern for that particular room.
I've made it flexible enough to have as many squares as possible, too!
Minor Fixes
- Fixed a bug that made the player fall too quickly off ledges
- Fixed a bug with the toilet room that made it sometimes unaccessable
- Fixed a bug with special rooms that left wall geometries at their initial state, making a big hole in them.
- Made consumable items disappear when they fall off a chasm or hit a hazardous floor (like lava)
- Fixed a bug with AIs that made them stop when landing from a knockback.
- Added pillars to every corner of the rooms.
- Much more aesthetic if you ask me.
- Much more aesthetic if you ask me.
Next week
Next week will be some kind of continuation of this one, which mainly means bug hunting, improvements and optimizations a-plenty. Afterwards, I'll probably push some kind of public alpha/demo.
Then, it's really the usual suspects.
Hopefully, I could get something out by February.